Veteran's Memorial Pool

Project Type:
Community Recreation
Walla Walla, Washington

After much anticipation, the City of Walla Walla reopened the Veterans Memorial Pool to an excited community for the first time in over 10 years. In 2006, the pool closed down because it was in need of costly repairs, and Walla Walla faced a series of financial hurdles before it could resume operation. Multiple attempts were made to acquire a bond for the repairs, and in February 2015 the $5.8 million bond was passed to build a 50-meter-by-25-yard pool.

Alongside the prime architect, WTI was proud to deliver design and engineering services to the City of Walla Walla. The groundbreaking for the revitalized facility took place in April 2016, and the grand opening was held over Memorial Day weekend in 2017. Excited Walla Walla residents who had been eagerly awaiting this day swarmed the facility to check out the new amenities.

The rejuvenation of this facility was truly one-of-a-kind, with attention being given to each and every swimmer’s needs. From slack lines and floatables to water slides and zero depth entry areas, each activity area is designed to appeal to different user groups.

This cost effective pool was designed with sustainability in mind. By utilizing part of the existing pool shell, Walla Walla was able to save $200,000 compared to new construction.

Mayor Allen Pomraning wore a Hawaiian-print shirt and shorts to cut the ribbon at the Veterans Memorial Pool, and there were smiles all around.

“This facility is what love looks like," Mayor Pomraning said. "When you love your children, when you love your grandchildren and when you ask a city to build a space for them, that is what pure love looks like. And when you get inside, you will see it.”

Project Highlights
  • Competition pool: 10,964-square-foot water surface area, 8 lanes, 50 meters by 25 yards, 1-meter diving board, 3-meter diving board
  • Leisure pool: 3,031-square-foot water surface area, 10 geysers, Play structure

2019 Athletic Business - Aquatic Design Portfolio

2018 Washington Parks & Rec Association - Spotlight Award

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